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The Bitter Melon often found in Chinese food is also eaten in other countries. In India it is called Karela, and in Jamaica it is know as Karallas.If you let it get over ripe, it turns orange and bursts open with the red seed pods and the brown seeds.


Research by: Fatima Shariq


All about the Bitter Melon:



The bitter melon belongs to the squash family and is similar to a cucumber, in description. At first (when picked), the bitter melon is a yellowish-greenish color but as it ripens it become more of a yellowish-orange color. On the inside of the bitter melon, there are seeds, which contain a lot of fiber.




Where it originally came from:


The place of origin of the bitter melon is unknown, but it is native to the tropics. It is widely grown in places like India, Nepal, Southeast Asia, China, Africa, and the Caribbean.


The health benefits of the bitter melon:


One of the biggest Health benefits of the bitter melon is that it benefits diabetes. When researchers asked herbalists what herbal remedy they would recommend for people who have diabetes, one way included eating bitter melon. According to a review article, the bitter melon has been a Chinese herbal medicine for people who are suffering with diabetes for centuries. In Asia, the bitter melon has been used for diabetes and is still being used today. Researchers from natural standards consider the bitter melon as a natural therapy that lowers blood glucose levels for people with diabetes.


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