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Square Foot Gardening


Square foot gardeners plant in blocks rather than rows, often using raised beds with prepared soil, but not a requirement. This makes watering and reaching in to tend to the plants, easier. Also they find it is better than walking on the soil they're trying to plant.


The seeds are planted individually, rather than scattering seeds in long rows, but are still give the exact space they need (and no more) to make every inch of space in the gardens productive. As soon as one crop is harvested, the plants are pulled out, a trowel-ful of compost is added to replenish the soil, and then it is replanted with something new (appropriate to our climate and time of year). In this way, the square food gardens use less space, water, and time than many more traditional gardens. The Official Site of Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew, originator and author


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